El sagrado femenino y círculos de mujeres en la red social facebook una etnografía virtual en las construcciones, discursos y prácticas sobre la feminidad

  1. Fernández Martín, Ana
Supervised by:
  1. María Dolores González Guardiola Director

Defence university: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Fecha de defensa: 24 November 2021

  1. Beatriz Moncó Rebollo Chair
  2. Gerardo Fernández Juárez Secretary
  3. Débora Betrisey Nadali Committee member

Type: Thesis


This research is based on the analysis of contents and data related to the movement of women in the Sacred Femenine and Women Circles. Basically on the Spanish speakers users on Facebook as a social network, from an anthropological point of view. The main aim of this research is to share the complex and diverse reality of these women circles -both online and in person- which have been rising and widespreading in the last decade as a result of the Internet. Likewise, on Facebook, many unlimited and prolific sociocultural demonstrations keep appearing. Social activism and the creation of virtual communities remains latent in the whole process of this research, due to the recognition of these beliefs and practices as a social movement for women which is institutionalised and organised. This is a polyhedral and polyphonic sociocultural phenomena -which has many voices- and is a major manifestation for many women and occasionally men. This virtual ethnography is an attempt to point out this wide and complex cultural universe through issues such as the what, who, how and why of this movement of women on the Cyberspace.