Gender differences in social preferencesexperimental evidence
- Aurora García Gallego Directrice
Université de défendre: Universitat Jaume I
Fecha de defensa: 05 juin 2023
- Nagore Iriberri Etxebeste President
- Nikolaos Georgantzis Secrétaire
- Andrea Morone Rapporteur
Type: Thèses
This thesis sheds light on the relevance of gender differences that are consistently found on economic experiments under diverse contexts. Gender (here understood as biological sex) is a crucial element determining individuals¿ behaviour, but there are other factors such as preferences driving the gender difference. These should always be considered and examined. Additionally, we prove it is not only my gender that influences my decisions, but also the gender of the others. In this sense, presenting subjects with a social cue about the gender of their opponent affects individual decisions. Finally, feeling observed by others leads to a reduction of antisocial behaviour and, also in this case, both the gender of the observer and the gender of the decision maker determine behaviour. The evidence obtained in this thesis can be applied to real-world situations presented in our daily lifes, related to any type of prosocial or antisocial decision framing.