Media Theory, Public Relevance and the Propaganda Model Today

Media Theory

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Ausgabe: 2

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 164-191

Art: Artikel


Since its initial formulation in 1988, the Herman-Chomsky Propaganda Model (PM)has become one of the most widely tested models of media performance in the socialsciences. This is largely due to the combined efforts of a loose group of internationalscholars as well as an increasing number of students who have produced studies inthe US, UK, Canadian, Australian, Japanese, Chinese, German, and Dutch contexts,amongst others. Yet, the PM has also been marginalised in media andcommunication scholarship, largely due to the fact that the PM‟s radical scholarlyoutlook challenges the liberal and conservative underpinnings of mainstream schoolsof thought in capitalist democracies. This paper brings together, for the first time,leading scholars to discuss important questions pertaining to the PM‟s origins, publicrelevance, connections to other approaches within Communication Studies andCultural Studies, applicability in the social media age, as well as impact and influence.The paper aligns with the 30th anniversary of the PM and the publication of thecollected volume, The Propaganda Model Today, and highlights the PM‟s continuedrelevance at a time of unprecedented corporate consolidation of the media, extremelevels of inequality and class conflict as well as emergence of new forms ofauthoritarianism.

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