El mito de Perséfone y el conflicto de la maternidad en Mother love, de Rita Dove

  1. Salcedo González, Cristina
Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies

ISSN: 2444-1198

Année de publication: 2020

Número: 9

Type: Article

DOI: 10.15366/JFGWS2020.9.004 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAccès ouvert editor

D'autres publications dans: Journal of Feminist, Gender and Women Studies

Objectifs de Développement Durable


This article aims to pin down the extent to which modernity introduces new ways of understanding and representing the mythical bond between Persephone and Demeter. In order to achieve this, I will first provide a critical review of the manner in which classical authors have interpreted the mother-daughter relationship; and, secondly, I will briefly refer to the most influential contemporary treatments of the bond. Thirdly, I will discuss the vision Rita Dove develops in her collection of poems Mother Love (1995) as well as the strategies she uses to depart from the idealised vision of the bond. This analysis will bring attention to Dove’s particular understanding of the Persephone-Demeter relationship, one which detaches from the general tendency.

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