Efectos de la crisis de la COVID-19 sobre el emprendimiento social universitarioel caso de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

  1. Pérez-De las Vacas, Gustavo Lejarriaga
  2. Martín-López, Sonia
  3. Bel-Durán, Paloma
  4. Sánchez-Espada, Javier
Revista CIRIEC Costa Rica: Revista de Economía Social y Solidaria

ISSN: 2215-6577

Datum der Publikation: 2022

Titel der Ausgabe: Revista CIRIEC Costa Rica

Ausgabe: 1

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 31-32

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista CIRIEC Costa Rica: Revista de Economía Social y Solidaria


In Spain, the experience we are living through with the current pandemic has caused public institutions to react by taking measures that firstly aimed at curbing as far as possible the economic impact, on the productive fabric, of the paralysis of activity resulting from the states of alarm that confined us to our homes, in order to then begin the recovery and regeneration of economic activity on solid foundations. Support for entrepreneurship has played an important role in this regard, to the point that a Country Strategy called Spain, Entrepreneurial Nation has been drawn up. But, apart from institutional support, the health crisis has had an immediate impact on university entrepreneurship. Numerous initiatives have arisen spontaneously, some with a market vision, others without, which have exponentially increased the number of projects presented at the counseling offices and in the calls for university prizes for entrepreneurship. In this sense, it is worth asking whether, as a consequence of the current pandemic, there are substantial changes that may affect the profile of new entrepreneurs, given that there are some social changes that undoubtedly affect the behavior of most individuals.  The contrast of this foreseeable change in the profile of university entrepreneurs can be made on the basis of programs developed by the Universities aimed at their potential entrepreneurs. This paper analyzes three programs developed by the Chair of Social Entrepreneurship attached to the School of Cooperative Studies, as a way of contrasting the hypothesis of a greater interest on the part of university entrepreneurs in the creation of social value, not incompatible with the creation of economic value, of their entrepreneurial initiatives: the III edition of the Social Entrepreneurship Awards, the Program to Support Entrepreneurial Initiatives in the Health Crisis and the Madrid Beats the Virus Accompaniment Program.

Bibliographische Referenzen

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