Landecastro, *Landobriga y otros topónimos hispanos de origen céltico derivados de *landā
- 1 Real Academia de la Historia (Madrid)
ISSN: 2659-7179, 2659-7187
Année de publication: 2023
Número: 16
Pages: 61-70
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Vaccea Anuario
Analysis of the Iberian place names formed from the Celtic word *landa, which would mean “uncultivated flat land”. The analysis of the place name of the Vaccean settlement of Landecastro (Valladolid, Spain), compared with the place name *Landobriga of the Galician hill–fort of the Castro da Croa, in Viveiro (Lugo, Spain) allow to assess that this type of place name is characteristic of Celtic Hispania, in which more than 30 similar place names are documented. They are particularly frequent in the Basque Country and Galicia, which confirms the deep Celtization of these regions, as paleogenetic DNA analyses has confirmed.