Áfricala pugna de viejas y nuevas potencias por su dominio

  1. Pedro Sánchez Herráez
Cuadernos de estrategia

ISSN: 1697-6924

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Zenbakien izenburua: "África: la ambición de las potencias mundiales sobre el continente"

Zenbakia: 220

Orrialdeak: 13-59

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Cuadernos de estrategia


The war in Ukraine represents a turning point in global geopolitics; once again, and very clearly, a series of blocs have been defined, of large associations of nations which, with this conflict as a backdrop, are aligning themselves to pursue their interests, in a way not seen since the Second World War and its successorl, the Cold War. Although the future is unwritten, and no one can predict with certainty the kind of global «order» that is being forged and that could result from the conflict in Ukraine -a term that, it should be remembered, etymologically means “border”- what is certain is that this first major armed conflict on a planetary scale - given the number of nations directly or indirectly involved in supporting one or other of the contenders -could be, and probably is, the prelude to a new world order, moving towards a unipolar, bipolar or multipolar format? Be that as it may, the tectonic plates of the world are colliding, reconfiguring themselves; and in the faults and points of collision, conflicts are emerging in some places and brewing in others. Will Africa be one of those (great) spaces where the old and new powers seek positions of advantage in this new, yet to be defined, global order?