La muerte del derecho a la vidaSobre la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 44/2023 de 9 de mayo (Una sentencia ideológica, injusta y reversible)

  1. José Eugenio Azpiroz Villar
Diario La Ley

ISSN: 1989-6913

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 10399

Type: Article

More publications in: Diario La Ley


The sentence establishes the woman´s right to abortion as an expresion of her disnity, integrity and autonomy (articles 10.1 and 15 CE) above that of life (15 CE) which is left without any tipe of protection, even if it states atherwise, during the first fourteen weeks of gestation of the unborn child base don ideological criterio, an alleged evolutionary interpretation of the law and the support of International Instruments referring to persons (bom) unjustifiably excluding others International Instruments that do not require such condition.