The Changing Role of Public BroadcastingTelevision in Europe A Comparative AnalysisBetween Public Television Services’Performances in Spain and Sweden During1995 – 2005

  1. Karen Arriaza Ibarra 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

The Changing Media Business Environment
  1. Mercedes Medina (coord.)
  2. Paulo Faustino (coord.)

Editorial: Media XXI / Formalpress - Publicações e Marketing, Lda

ISBN: 978-989-8143-06-8 978-989-729-007-7

Año de publicación: 2008

Tipo: Capítulo de Libro


Public broadcasting services (PBS) in Spain and Sweden differ dramatically in many ways. PBS in Spain is generally characterized by commercia‘‘y-“riented c“ntents, inanced by advertising and g“vern’ent budgetsand with a signiicant ”“‘itica‘ interventi“nis’. On the c“ntrary, PBS in Sweden can be deined as a ”uritan archety”e “f PBS ’edia with inf“r’ati“n-“riented c“ntents, fu‘‘y inanced by ‘icence fee and with a genera‘ ”“‘itica‘consensus on keeping PSB media independent from the government. This article analyzes public service television changes in institutions,practices and strategies in Spain and Sweden during the period 1995-2005within a comparative framework. It also discusses the relative importanceof national distinctive features and international media trends in explainingthe development of public service television in Spain and Sweden in terms ofmarket performance, revenues and program content.