Candidatos a las elecciones andaluzas de 2022 en Instagramframing, polaridad y engageme
- Trelles Villanueva, Alicia 1
- Sanchez de la Nieta, Miguel Ángel 1
- Carrasco Polaino, Rafael 2
Universidad Villanueva
Universidad Villanueva
Madrid, España
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 1137-0734
Ano de publicación: 2023
Volume: 28
Número: 2
Páxinas: 279-288
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Historia y comunicación social
This article presents an investigation on the photographs of the candidates for the presidency of the autonomous government of Andalusia (Spain), published on their Instagram accounts during the electoral campaign (June 3-17, 2022). The review is based on the coding of the visual frames of political candidates used by Grabe and Bucy (2009): ideal candidate, populist activist, and sure loser. On a total of 162 images, the texts accompanying the images are also analyzed in terms of their polarity and subjectivity, and possible differences between the candidates and their effect on the engagement generated are sought to be identified. It is concluded that all candidates present themselves as "ideal candidates" showing differences in the category of “statesmanship”, and that the more positive the messages are, the greater engagement they generate.
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