Propaganda positiva en la Francia ocupada y el Régimen de Vichyel ciclo de exposiciones de La France Européene

  1. Antonio César Moreno Cantano
  2. Misael Arturo López Zapico
Circunstancia: revista de ciencias sociales del Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset

Any de publicació: 2015

Número: 36

Tipus: Article


Propaganda played a major role in the process of brutalization experienced by the European society during the first half of the twentieth century. The war atmosphere that characterized the 30’s, including the rise of Fascism, produced a discourse of fear and hatred deeply radicalized with the outbreak of the Second World War. Nevertheless, during this same period, also a positive propaganda was developed in order to show the goodness of the political project of these totalitarian regimes to their societies. In this article we introduce an example of this kind of affirmative propaganda through the analysis of two big exhibitions that took place in Paris. The study of this events serves to make clear the contradictions within the official discourse of the Vichy Regime and their complex relationships with a Third Reich only worried by its own interests.