Efectos del confinamiento en el hogar debido a la pandemia por COVID-19 en el consumo en pacientes en tratamiento en un programa de deshabituación de alcohol

  1. Francisco Arias Horcajadas 1
  2. Marta Marín 1
  3. Raquel Prieto 1
  4. José Ramón López-Trabada 1
  5. Alba Parra 1
  6. Pedro Sanz 1
  7. Yolanda Guerrero 1
  8. Patricia Delgado 1
  9. Lourdes González 1
  10. Nazaret Sáiz 1
  11. Sandra Suárez de Figueroa 1
  12. Antonio Villalba 1
  13. Gabriel Rubio 1
  1. 1 Hospital Doce de Octubre, Madrid, España.
Adicciones: Revista de socidrogalcohol

ISSN: 0214-4840

Argitalpen urtea: 2023

Alea: 35

Zenbakia: 4

Orrialdeak: 455-468

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Adicciones: Revista de socidrogalcohol


During the COVID-19 pandemic, several exceptional measures were put in place in order to avoid virus propagation, such as lockdown and the discontinuation of usual health care assistance services. It was considered that these changes might be associated with an increase in alcohol consumption and a higher risk of relapse for patients under treatment. The aim of this study was to assess changes in alcohol consumption during the lockdown period (between March and May, 2020) in patients following treatment under the Alcohol Use Disorders Programme at the “Hospital 12 de Octubre” in Madrid. A total of 311 patients were assessed through interviews carried out by telephone in accordance with usual clinical practice during that period. 76% of the total number of patients did not experience changes in their alcohol consumption, 9.2% stopped drinking and some experienced severe withdrawal syndrome, while 7.5% relapsed. The risk factors found for worsening the prognosis of the patients were: being female, drinking alcohol alone or at home, binge drinking, concomitant substance misuse and failure to attend therapy groups or self-help groups online during the lockdown. 31.6% of the sample described psychopathological symptoms due to the lockdown, especially those who already had psychiatric comorbidities. For this reason, we can conclude that during the lockdown as a result of the pandemic, most of our alcohol dependent patients did not modify their drinking patterns, but specific factors enabled us to identify a more vulnerable subgroup

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