El dibujo negociado y el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional de estudiantes de Bellas Artesreferencia artística: William Kentridge
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 2340-6062
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Zenbakien izenburua: Congreso Internacional Idea’23. Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador)
Zenbakia: 11
Orrialdeak: 119-130
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Estudios sobre Arte Actual
An activity entitled "Enlargement, reduction, negotiation" is included in the program of a drawing course for third year Fine Arts students. With it, the students are expected to deliver a final work in large format that has been previously planned and studied in small format. To motivate the students, the artist William Kentridge is chosen as a reference, introducing them to his work and the diversity of formats and supports he uses in the production of his works. It is also determined that the work should be done in pairs and that the concept to be presented in the works should be subject to a theme of common interest, with a certain vindicatory and social character. Finally, the students offer their work in compliance with the premises established, expressing the positive aspects that this experience has had for them, regardless of the difficulties encountered during the process.