La dimensión socioemocional del profesoradouna conceptualización adaptada a la función docente

  1. Aida Valero Moya 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Crónica: revista científico profesional de la pedagogía y psicopedagogía

ISSN: 2445-2440

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Nummer: 8

Seiten: 101-114

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Crónica: revista científico profesional de la pedagogía y psicopedagogía


The socio-emotional dimension of teachers is a critical facet for the exemplary execution of their pedagogical duties. This paper elucidates this dimension, articulating with clarity the specific qualities, abilities, or socioemotional competences that educators must possess to elevate their educatio- nal practice. Through a systematic literature review that underscores the pivotal role of socioemotional attributes in teaching, coupled with an examination of emotional intelligence theories, this dimension is delineated across two primary realms: the intrapersonal and the interpersonal. The intrapersonal realm is concerned with the assimilation of individual emotional phenomena, including self-awareness, emotional self-regulation, and emotional autonomy. Conversely, the interpersonal realm involves adeptness in social interactions, necessitating the cultivation of fundamental and advanced social skills, such as empathy, both expressive and receptive communication, and leadership acumen. The strategic integration of these components within the educational act is instrumental in education. The study’s insights into the essential socioemotional attributes for teaching excellence are invaluable, providing a substantive framework for future educational research and practice enhancement.

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