Libertad de expresión en internet, aspectos éticos y legales

Supervised by:
  1. Mario Hernández Ramos Director
  2. Vitor Rhein Schirato Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Salamanca

Fecha de defensa: 30 June 2023

  1. María Núñez Martínez Chair
  2. Covadonga Ferrer Martín de Vidales Secretary
  3. Fernando Almeida Dias Menezes de Committee member

Type: Thesis


This investigation, born from the need of optimizing the contemporary society in the reason of the sociological changes provoked by the worldwide web of computers aims to develop, under ethic and legal aspects, the freedom of expression on the internet and the unavoidable conflicts with other rights who are equally fundamental. For this, it analyzes the decisions of the most important Judicial Courts from Europe and The United States. The emphasis is given to “fake news” and the influence which they provoke in the public debate and, therefore, in the democratic process, by pointing the possible ways to solve them, as the regulation or not, and the application of the Commandment of Equidistant Fluid Balance, and the roll which is up to the Brazilian Constitutional Jurisdiction.