La mujer afrodescendiente en la producción y difusión del bullerengue como práctica cultural en el Caribe colombiano

Supervised by:
  1. David Caldevilla Domínguez Director
  2. Dimitrina Jivkova Semova Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 12 April 2023

  1. José A. Ruiz San Román Chair
  2. Almudena Barrientos-Báez Secretary
  3. Carmen Gaona Pisonero Committee member
  4. Stefanie Pacheco Pailahual Committee member
  5. Noé Orlando Pernía Peñalver Committee member

Type: Thesis


This thesis analyzes female subjectivities in bullerengue, a traditional musical genre from the Colombian Caribbean. Our main research goal is to understand how female identities are constructed and represented through this artistic practice, as well as to explore the meanings it acquires for the women who participate in the creation and circulation of bullerengue. To achieve this goal, research techniques from anthropology have been applied, such as ethnographic methodologies, in which external social factors are taken into account; however, for this research project, the discourses circulated by women singers have become the main resource for analysis. To this end, five bullerengueras (female singers) have been interviewed, collecting their testimonies and autobiographical accounts; song lyrics have been analyzed; live musical practices have been observed; and all information compiled throughout the process has been submitted to content analysis.The themes addressed in bullerengue songs and the factors influencing women's participation in bullerengue were extracted from the in-depth interviews and then analyzed, including aspects such as gender discrimination, social and cultural barriers, and opportunities for participation. The results show that bullerengue is a space where women can express their experiences, emotions and desires, as well as build their own identity and contribute to the strengthening of their social environment. In addition, bullerengue has become a tool for resistance and for the reaffirmation of female identity, as a form of expression that allows women to tell their stories and share their experiences.Strategies are proposed to promote the participation of women in bullerengue, with the objective of preserving and strengthening this form of traditional musical and poetic expression.The impact of bullerengue on the women's rights movement, combined with its vital symbolic significance, should be emphasized beyond the scope of this thesis. We conclude that bullerengue has helped in strengthening resistance on theLa mujer afrodescendiente en la producción y difusión del bullerengue comopráctica cultural en el Caribe Colombiano women's liberation front through the implementation and circulation of this unique musical style.