Otra comunicación política es posiblela disrupción de la Comunicación Responsable y el Modelo ICR

  1. Alberto Nahun Zuart Garduño
Más poder local

ISSN: 2172-0223

Année de publication: 2024

Titre de la publication: La comunicación política frente a las crisis económicas

Número: 55

Pages: 138-145

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Más poder local


Modern politics faces a profound crisis of identity, trust, and representation. Political leaders, institutions, and governments struggle to regain the connection with their citizens in a world saturated with empty speeches. Amid this storm, political communication has succumbed to deceitful tactics and superficial praise, instead of delving into the true heart of democracy: authentic political discourse that arises from the voice of the majority. Given this landscape, we must seek solutions. One promising avenue is the ICR Model: a methodology of Responsible Communication aimed at strengthening identity, bolstering trust, and restoring true representativeness. Its focus lies in identifying and consolidating shared values among leaders, institutions, governments, and society. The goal is clear: to establish responsible communication based on agreed-upon social values that reinforce the connection between those who lead and those who are led. The ICR Model is not a mere theory. It has been applied in various political communication campaigns in the context of economic, political, and social crises, successfully revitalizing narratives, bolstering public trust, and, above all, paving the way toward a more robust and participatory democracy. These are not just strategies; they are steps toward a future in which politics truly serves the common good.