El giro hacia el visitante.Construcción de significados, participación y bienestar en el museo

  1. Irene Pérez López
Coordenadas culturales en la museología del presente: cinco neologismos: Actas del congreso internacional
  1. Javier Arnaldo (coord.)

Éditorial: Museo Nacional del Prado

ISBN: 978-84-8480-599-1

Année de publication: 2023

Pages: 35-42

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


The turn towards the visitor has been recognised at least since the end of the twentieth century as the increased attention that the museum pays to the visitor. This phenomenon is linked to an epistemological paradigm shift that has modified the way we understand communicative and educational processes, positioning the so-called receiver at the centre of the meaning-making process. Consequently, the museum focuses less on producing and transmitting information and begins to share interpretative authority with the aim of providing an environment in which the public can construct meaning. When the visitors become a priority, and their experience is explored beyond the expectations of the museum, the institution becomes a place with the potential to contribute to people’s well-being—the ultimate turn to the visitor.