Fortalecimiento de las capacidades productivas de la cunicultura en zonas rurales vulnerables en el oriente de Cuba
- López-Valoy, Bernabé 1
- Almaguer López, Yanara 1
- Nicodemus Martín, Nuria 2
- García Alonso, Javier 2
- Formoso-Rafferty, Nora 2
- Leyva Domínguez, Humberto 3
- Sánchez-Martínez, Yoennys 1
- Verdecia Acosta, Danis 1
- García Rebollar, Pilar 2
Universidad De Granma
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- 3 Empresa Agroindustrial de Granos “Fernando Echenique”
ISSN: 1390-7921, 2477-9075
Año de publicación: 2024
Título del ejemplar: enero/junio
Número: 39
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Revista Economía y Política
This collaborative study between the University of Granma (UDG) in Cuba and the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) in Spain aimed to enhance sustainable rabbit meat production in vulnerable rural communities in eastern Cuba to contribute to food sovereignty. In partnership with the Agroindustrial Grains Company Fernando Echenique in Granma, a feed system based on staggered planting of proteinaceous plants and energy crops has been developed as an alternative to more expensive conventional feeds. Additionally, improvements have been made in reproductive management, and a genetic improvement program for animals has been implemented. The nutritional value and in vitro digestibility of these raw materials have been analyzed at UPM. Seminars addressing topics such as reproduction, nutrition, and genetic improvement in rabbit farming have also been conducted. This work presents the results obtained until June 2023, highlighting the achieved social, economic, and environmental benefits.
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