Patient-reported outcomes in axial spondyloarthritis and psoriatic arthritis patients treated with secukinumab for 24 months in daily clinical practice

  1. Christiansen, S.N.
  2. Horskjær Rasmussen, S.
  3. Pons, M.
  4. Michelsen, B.
  5. Glintborg, B.
  6. Gudbjornsson, B.
  7. Grondal, G.
  8. Vencovsky, J.
  9. Loft, A.G.
  10. Rotar, Z.
  11. Pirkmajer, K.P.
  12. Nissen, M.J.
  13. Baranová, J.
  14. Macfarlane, G.J.
  15. Jones, G.T.
  16. Iannone, F.
  17. Caporali, R.
  18. Laas, K.
  19. Vorobjov, S.
  20. Giuseppe, D.D.
  21. Olofsson, T.
  22. Provan, S.A.
  23. Fagerli, K.M.
  24. Castrejon, I.
  25. Otero-Varela, L.
  26. van de Sande, M.
  27. van der Horst-Bruinsma, I.
  28. Nordström, D.
  29. Kuusalo, L.
  30. Bernardes, M.
  31. Hetland, M.L.
  32. Østergaard, M.
  33. Midtbøll Ørnbjerg, L.
  34. Show all authors +
Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism

ISSN: 1532-866X 0049-0172

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 65

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.SEMARTHRIT.2024.152388 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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