Las capitales federales del continente americanoCentralidad y status político
ISSN: 0719-1790
Any de publicació: 2015
Títol de l'exemplar: enero-julio
Número: 11
Pàgines: 195-220
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Municipales (RIEM)
This article analyzes the federal capital cities of the Americas on the basis, first, of the policy relevance that have this type of cities, since they are the product of the historical circumstances what through States and territories, and reflect both the past and the present, in political, economic and cultural terms. Secondly, the arti-cle focuses on the Americas States, since in such States is complex to maintain the territorial balance, both at the political level and in the economic and cultural also, and capitals cities reflect these difficulties. We propose to analyze the American federal capital cities a classification which includes three levels, briefly describing each of them and compare them.
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