Variables implicadas en la abstinencia de alcohol a largo plazocuáles son y cuándo juegan un papel más importante

  1. Rosa Jurado-Barba 1
  2. Regina Espinosa 1
  3. Marta Marín-Mayor 2
  4. Ana Sion 2
  5. Gabriel Rubio-Valladolid 1
  1. 1 Universidad Camilo José Cela

    Universidad Camilo José Cela

    Villanueva de la Cañada, España


  2. 2 Instituto de Investigación Biomédica, Hospital 12 de octubre
Revista española de drogodependencias

ISSN: 0213-7615

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 49

Issue: 1

Pages: 73-95

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de drogodependencias


Several psychological variables have been associated with the prognosis during alcohol dependence treatment and after discharge. However, we still do not know the role that these variables play in the achievement of abstinence and if they modify throughout time. Method: Longitudinal survey data related to anxiety, depression, impulsivity, coping, meaning in life (MiL) and attendance to mutual-help groups were collected from outpatients with alcohol dependence (N= 159, 66% male, mean age=42.54 years). Assessment points were the following: baseline, at discharge (after 2-years of treatment), and 2-years and 4-years follow-up after discharge. Drinking outcomes were evaluated with the Timeline Followback Method Assessment. Results: At baseline, levels of avoidance coping and impulsivity were associated with months of accumulated abstinence at 4-years-follow-up. However, at discharge and at two-years follow-up, higher scores in MiL were consistently associated with months of accumulated abstinence at 4-years of follow-up. Mediation models showed that MiL increased accumulated abstinence at 4 years-follow-up by increasing avoidance coping and reducing levels of depression. Conclusions: MiL is a determining component in the long-term sustained abstinence. Our results support the key role of MiL and point to a new mechanism through which it influences the maintenance of sobriety. Because mutual-help groups have consistently demonstrated to promote MiL, they should be implemented and recommended as an essential part of an integrated treatment of alcohol dependence.

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