Incertidumbres alrededor de la segunda oportunidad

  1. Matilde Cuena Casas
Revista General de Insolvencias & Reestructuraciones: Journal of Insolvency & Restructuring (I&R)

ISSN: 2697-0694

Year of publication: 2024

Issue: 12

Pages: 61-96

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista General de Insolvencias & Reestructuraciones: Journal of Insolvency & Restructuring (I&R)

Sustainable development goals


The insolvency reform introduced by Law 16/222, of September 5, of reform of the Consolidated Text of the Insolvency Law has introduced notable changes in the legal regime of the exoneration of unsatisfied liabilities. The practical application of this new regulation has raised numerous doubts in aspects of particular relevance. In this paper I focus on two important problems that are giving rise to contradictory case law: the control of the debtor’s behavior and the problems posed by the foreclosure of the mortgage in the frequent cases of insolvency without assets.