New Rules for Teaching in Dental Schools in the COVID-19 Era

  1. Ana Leticia Lenguas-Silva
  2. María Victoria Mateos-Moreno
  3. Germán García-Vicent
  4. Marta Lamas-Oliveira
  5. José Francisco Martín-Morales
  6. Javier Valdepeñas-Morales
  7. María Rosario Garcillán-Izquierdo
International Journal of Odontostomatology

ISSN: 0718-381X 0718-3801

Ano de publicación: 2021

Volume: 15

Número: 1

Páxinas: 36-42

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.4067/S0718-381X2021000100036 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: International Journal of Odontostomatology


ABSTRACT: The crisis caused by COVID-19 has led to the development of strategies for adapting the undergraduate and postgraduate teaching of dentistry to the new situation, as well as guaranteeing the safety of all staff, students, patient s and persons accompanying them.We reviewed a total of 36 documents, including articles and guidelines or recommendations issued by dental schools, scientific societies and other institutions, in order to take stock of the current evidence available about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on dental schools. Additional training is required in the management of infectious diseases and the prevention of their transmission. Dental schools must be prepared and implement the necessary measures according to the level of infection risk during face-to-face activities, especially in clinics, while guaranteeing quality teaching and allo wing research to be carried out. Adapting teaching to new technologies is essential for the development of non-classroom training, a s is conducting questionnaires that collect information on crisis management and assessing the stress level of students, faculty and other staff. The incorporation of new technologies in both training and assessment reduces the chances of contagion and enhances student autonomy. Distance learning competencies must be clear to students and be included in the description of the academic programme. We must not forget that the primary objective of teaching is for students to acquire the necessary skills f or their profession. More than ever, the international cooperation of universities in the elaboration of protocols is essential. T hese protocols must ensure the health of everyone in this pandemic and in possible future scenarios. We must transform this crisis into an opportunity that will revolutionize dental education.

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