La solidaridad familiar y su relación con la indignidad como causa de la desheredación y con la revocación de donaciones por ingratitud

  1. Elena Fernández de la Iglesia 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario

ISSN: 0210-0444

Year of publication: 2024

Year: 100

Issue: 802

Pages: 955-980

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario


In Law, the principle of solidarity has its maximum expression in the area of family solidarity. Support, backing, help, protection, are manifestations of intergenerational solidarity carried out through acts to benefit a family member or member of the socio-affective circle without expecting to receive anything in return, especially in those cases of vulnerability, need or risk. Our legal system based on the system of values revolves around the fundamental principle of the dignity of the person (art. 10 CE), as the germ or fundamental nucleus of constitutional rights and its projection in Family Law as the basis of the donation contract., and as a means of recognizing inheritance rights, especially the hereditary rights of the deceased’s heirs. If this solidarity disappears, due to the child having incurred in any of the reprehensible conduct provided for in the law, the extinction or deprivation of the alimony benefit is lawful, or the consideration of abuse as a cause of disinheritance, or as a cause of ingratitude in the revocation of donations because it is not equitable that those who renounce family relationships, as well as the support and help of all kinds that these entail, can later benefit from a legal institution that finds its foundation, precisely, in parental ties.

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