A possible uroscopy flask of Roman age

  1. Pires Pereira, Carlos S. 1
  1. 1 UNIARQ-Centro de Arqueologia da Univ. de Lisboa. Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa. Alameda da Universidade. 1600-214 Lisboa (Portugal).
Zephyrus: Revista de prehistoria y arqueología

ISSN: 0514-7336

Ano de publicación: 2019

Número: 83

Páxinas: 201-212

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.14201/ZEPHYRUS201983201212 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: Zephyrus: Revista de prehistoria y arqueología


Research on human urine tests has resulted in a good knowledge of uroscopy flasks in the Middle Ages but has no parallels in Roman times. Although classical authors mention the existence of such tests in Antiquity, only few studies have focused on this theme. During the study of Roman necropolises in the Algarve (Portugal), a glass vessel probably picked from a medical doctor’s grave has been identified. Its unprecedent shape, comparable to medieval uroscopy flasks, and its context can be related with that function. An identical object was documented at Emerita, the capital of Lusitania, also in a Roman doctor’s grave. We have found statements of ancient authors that prove the existence of urine tests in Roman times.The following study requires further back-up, but it strongly suggests that this glass flask was used for medical purposes. Even though this is a new piece, the two only specimens were found in possible medical practitioners’ graves in Lusitanian cities. This is a preliminary study, but we hope that new findings can be documented and published.

Información de financiamento

Work carried out under the Research Project nec. rom.al-As necrópoles romanas do Algarve, with the reference sfrh/bd/61005/2009, which resulted in the PhD thesis of the author.


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