Breaking down the thesis of human exception in French novels of the 21st centuryChevillard, Message and Brunel

  1. Julia Ori 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Ecozon@ [Ecozona]: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment

ISSN: 2171-9594

Ano de publicación: 2024

Volume: 15

Número: 1

Páxinas: 208-226

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.37536/ECOZONA.2024.15.1.4631 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_opene_Buah editor

Outras publicacións en: Ecozon@ [Ecozona]: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment


Starting from the book by Jean-Marie Schaeffer on the end of the human exception, it is analyzed how ontological dualism and ontic rupture—which postulate, respectively, the division of the human being and his separation from the rest of the world—are questioned in contemporary French novels. The corpus consists of three works that represent three different ends of the world with fantastic or science fiction elements: “Sans l'orang-outan” by Éric Chevillard from 2007, “Défaite des maîtres et possesseurs” by Vincent Message from 2016 and “Les métamorphoses” by Camille Brunel from 2020. It is studied how the traditional hierarchy of the myth of human exceptionality—“human-reason” above the “animal-body”—is broken in these stories: with the inversion of the hierarchical order in the case of Chevillard, with the displacement of the human down in the hierarchical order for Message and in the elimination of the hierarchy in Brunel's novel. It will also be shown that these changes can be observed at the level of isotopies as well, and specifically at that of isotopy breaks. Finally, the common element in these stories is the ecological commitment to animals and the reinterpretation of the place of the human beings on Earth: it is remembered that everyone, regardless of the species, is part of the same web of life.

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