Juventudes musicales de España y su proyección internacional

  1. Martínez Espina, Juan José
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Carlos Jiménez Redondo Director

Defence university: Universidad CEU San Pablo

Fecha de defensa: 08 June 2023

  1. Federico Mayor Zaragoza Chair
  2. Ángel Arias Urrutia Secretary
  3. Alberto-Germán Franco-Romero Committee member
  4. Raúl Leopoldo Canosa Usera Committee member
  5. Luca Chiantore Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 819069 DIALNET


Juventudes Musicales de España is part of the Intemational Federation of Jeunesses Musicales Intemational. The first organization of Jeunesses Musicales was established in Brussels in 1940. This first grouping was joined by the Jeunesses Musicales ofFrance in 1941, to establish Jeunesses Musicales Intemational in 1945. Consequently, the first organizations of the movement were developed in the environment of World W ar II, and this, as a way of liberation, through music and culture, from a society oppressed by the Nazi invasion. Once the conflict ended, Jeunesses Musicales would become a powerful intemational tool strongly linked to UNESCO and, therefore, to the United Nations. This circumstance will be used by the Franco regime to facilitate the incorporation of Spain into the intemational organizations during the period of ostracism to which it was subjected after the world conflict ("Spanish Question"). The person in charge of creating and promoting this institution in Spain was the then General Director of Information, Florentino Pérez-Embid. He will become its first president and its major manager and driver. After more than seventy years, Juventudes Musicales de España is one of the main institutions that promote music in Spain.