Nociones de sociología de la desviación social para trabajo social

  1. Sonia García Aguña
Trabajo social hoy

ISSN: 1134-0991

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 98

Pages: 45-56

Type: Article

More publications in: Trabajo social hoy


The analysis of the phenomenon of social deviation and delinquency, from various disciplines and theoretical perspectives, has always been at the core of social and theoretical thinking. In the present article will be deepened in the question by studying the sociological bibliography on the subject. For this, the main concepts will be exposed to delve later in the main analyzes and their most outstanding authors, framed within the great sociological paradigms; social action, structural-functionalist, and of conflict. All this in order to present a theoretical framework sufficient to understand the issue and provide perspectives of capital relevance for Social Work.

Bibliographic References

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