Communication processes & skills

  1. Randi Juul 1
  2. Inger Sofie Dahlø Husby 1
  3. Wendy Eerdekens 2
  4. Karen Winter 3
  5. Eva Heirbaut 2
  6. Paul Mc Caffertuy 3
  7. Esther Mercado García 4
  8. Marta Blanco Carrasco 4
  9. Begoña Leyra Fatou 4
  10. Ana Corchado Castillo 4
  11. Ana Dorado Barbé 4
  1. 1 Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU (Norway)
  2. 2 Artevelde University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)
  3. 3 Queen´s University of Belfast (Northern Ireland)
  4. 4 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Resources engaging and collaborating with children: support for professionals in helping children to find their voces and access their participation rights in a collaborative environment
  1. Esther Mercado García
  2. Marta Blanco Carrasco
  3. Ana Isabel Corchado Castillo
  4. Begoña Leyra Fatou

Publisher: NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology

ISBN: 978-82-996778-2-0

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 53-57

Type: Book chapter