Los poemas ecfrásticos de José Ángel Valente

  1. Sheng, Yan
Dirixida por:
  1. José Antonio Llera Ruiz Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 26 de decembro de 2023

  1. Ángel Luis Luján Atienza Presidente/a
  2. Rafael Morales Barba Secretario/a
  3. Esther Ramón Bonifacio Vogal

Tipo: Tese


Ekphrastic poem is a verbal description of a visual work of art. This thesis explores the origin and background of the ekphrastic poems of José Ángel Valente and the close relationship with paintings from Picasso, Paul Klee, Antoni Tàpies, Odilon Redon, Luis Fernández, Paolo Uccello, Alberto Durero and Egon Schiele. We investigate not only the poems, but also the essays and diaries to ensure a complete view of Valente’s poetic territory. The texts of the painters are also investigated with the purpose of offering the most versatile and detailed comparison within the poetic and visual world. The analysis of these verbal and visual materials made it possible to penetrate deeply into unpublished aspects and discover relevant aspects related to ekphrasis to reach a deeper interpretation of Valente’s works. The conclusion can be drawn that Valente’s words redefine the term “ekphrasis” and make us rethink the borderline between verbal and visual art