Medida del eje rápido de un retardador mediante el uso de un interferómetro de Michelson

  1. Joaquin Andres-Porras 1
  2. Jesus DEL HOYO 1
  3. Angela Soria-Garcia 1
  4. Luis Miguel Sanchez-Brea 1
  5. Veronica Pastor-Villarrubia 2
  6. Javier Alda 2
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Departamento de Óptica
  2. 2 Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Óptica y Optometría, Departamento de Óptica
Conectando la academia y la industria: Libro de actas OPTOEL 2023
  1. Carballar Rincón, Alejandro (coord.)
  2. María del Rosario Fernández Ruiz (coord.)

Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Sevilla ; Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla

Year of publication: 2024

Type: Book chapter


A method to determine the fast axis of a retarder using a double path interferometer (such as a Michelson interferometer) is proposed. We have related the rotation of the retarder and, consequently, of its fast axis, with the lateral displacement of the interference fringes. The robustness of the method has also been studied in various situations in which the as sembly presents errors or non-ideal optical elements.