The Role of Consumer ADR in the Administration of Justice. New Trends in Access to Justice under EU Directive 2013/11

  1. Stürner, Michael dir.
  2. Gascón Inchausti, Fernando dir.
  3. Caponi, Remo dir.

Argitaletxea: Sellier

ISBN: 978-3-86653-289-2

Argitalpen urtea: 2014

Mota: Liburua


The landscape of alternative dispute resolution in consumer cases (CADR) is about to change profoundly. With the advent of Directive 2013/11/EU on ADR and Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 on ODR a new way to settle disputes is advocated as a tool to enhance the internal market. The ADR system implemented by these instruments is designed to provide for speedy and low-cost out-of-court dispute settlement procedures between consumers and traders arising from the sales of goods and services. However, many questions remain open, namely the impact of the CADR system on the adjudication by state courts. The role CADR can play in the administration of justice is yet to be defined. In the present volume which is based on the presentations given at an international symposium at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in November 2013, renowned experts of civil procedure and ADR shed light on a newly emerging branch of law.