Additional file 1 of Approaching autozygosity in a small pedigree of Gochu Asturcelta pigs
- Arias, Katherine D.
- Gutiérrez, Juan Pablo 1
- Fernández, Iván
- Álvarez, Isabel
- Goyache, Félix
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Editor: figshare
Año de publicación: 2023
Tipo: Dataset
Additional file 1: Table S1. Pedigree used and raw individual estimates of homozygosity. Description of the pedigree of the Gochu Asturcelta pigs used and raw estimates of homozygosity parameters computed at the individual level. Table S2: BP-adjusted homozygosity estimates. Description of the BP-adjusted homozygosity values and the corresponding increase in homozygosity parameters computed at the individual level. Table S3: Regression of homozygosity against equivalent discrete generations. Regression of four homozygosity estimates and their corresponding individual increase in homozygosity (Δt) and paired increase in homozygosity (Δp) against equivalent discrete generations (t). Table S4: Jackknifed homozygosity values and their corresponding individual increases in homozygosity (Δt) and paired increases in homozygosity (Δp) values. Description of the jackknifed homozygosity values and the corresponding increase in homozygosity parameters computed at the individual level.
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