Demographic and spatially-explicit landscape genomic analyses in a tropical oak reveal the impacts of late Quaternary climate change on Andean montane forests
- Ortego, Joaquin
- Espelta, Josep Maria
- Armenteras, Dolors 1
- Diez, Maria Claudia
- Munoz, Alberto
- Bonal, Raul
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Editor: figshare
Year of publication: 2023
Type: Dataset
<strong>Samples.xlsx</strong>: Description of individual and population codes used in the different analyses and genomic datasets. <br> <strong>p7r08m5minMAF001.str</strong>: Input file used to perform genetic clustering (STRUCTURE) and principal component (PCA) analyses. <br> <strong>p7r08m5minMAF001.arp</strong>: Input file used to perform ARLEQUIN analyses. <br> <strong>Occurrence.csv</strong>: Occurrence data used for environmental niche modelling (ENM). <br> <strong></strong>: This ZIP folder contains input files for the four models of population divergence run in FASTSIMCOAL2. <br> <strong></strong>: This ZIP folder contains input files for demographic reconstructions in STAIRWAY PLOT. <br> <strong></strong>: This ZIP folder contains input files for the three spatially-explicit demographic models run using SPLATCHE2.