Gender bias in ecosystem restoration: from science to practice

  1. Cruz-Alonso, Verónica
  2. Martínez-Baroja, Loreto
  3. Marqués, Laura
  4. Rodríguez-Uña, Asun
  5. Rohrer, Zoë
  6. Monteagudo, Navila
  7. Velado Alonso, Elena

Editor: figshare

Año de publicación: 2022

Tipo: Dataset


These datasets and scripts are associated to the publication "Gender bias in ecosystem restoration: from science to practice" in Restoration Ecology. <strong>Datasets:</strong> "doi" includes publications on ecosystem restoration, gender and country of the authors, year, restored ecosystem and impact of the study. "tw_tweet" includes information about tweets associated to each publication in "doi". "projects_ser_all_years" contains projects compilled in the Society for Ecological Restoration’s (SER) project repository, with gender and the country of the coordinators, year and restored ecosystem. "certified_ser" contains restoration practitioners certified by SER, their gender and country and year of certification. <strong>Scripts: </strong>R code used for the analysis and plots associated to each research question (RQ1, RQ2, RQ3). See the full article for further information.