Los tópicos, las formas y el léxico de la poesía funeraria a partir de los CLE de las Galias

  1. López Castillo, María
Supervised by:
  1. Alberto Bolaños Herrera Director
  2. Javier del Hoyo Calleja Director

Defence university: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 24 October 2023

  1. Ricardo Hernández Pérez Chair
  2. Jesús Polo Arrondo Secretary
  3. Helena Gimeno Pascual Committee member
  4. Ana María Moure Casas Committee member
  5. Javier Moralejo Ordax Committee member

Type: Thesis


This new work on Latin epigraphic carmina focuses on the study of recurring themes in funerary poetry, centered in the territory of the Gauls. Following the loss of a loved one, relatives express feelings of sadness, but also consolation and praises for the deceased in epitaphs. Our objective is to analyze these commonplaces and the various formulations used within them, as well as their relationship with literature. This study primarily focuses on inscriptions from the pagan era, although we also dedicate part of our work to the evolution of these motifs with the arrival of Christianity, as well as those poems written in Greek within the Gallic territory