Esta vez sícon la IA, nada será igual en la universidad
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 0210-9107
Año de publicación: 2024
Título del ejemplar: Desafíos y oportunidades para el futuro de la educación superior
Número: 180
Páginas: 21-37
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Papeles de economía española
Higher education has long been living with the promise, or the threat, that (micro) computers, the internet, or now artificial intelligence, will change everything—whether to reinforce it, turn it upside down, or leave it by the wayside. If we are to learn from the past «to avoid repeating it», the lesson is clear: once again, technology will not deliver what it promises, especially not to this millennia- old institution, which is much older and more stable than the rest of the educational system. But there is something diferent: each new technological ecosystem that has enteret education since the advent of writing, including the printing press, has done so by multiplying access to information and the reach of communication, but always at the cost of more uniformity, rigidity, and one-sidedness. The paradigmatic example in this realm is the fiasco of mass media (film, radio, television...), but also, earlier, the enduring textbook and, later, the ephemeral computer-assisted learning. However, the fifth transformation of information and communication, the digital one, in which we are already immersed, brings two more things: the increasingly developed capacity for personalization and the emerging capacity, just beginning with generative AI, for interaction. In an institution that, unlike earlier educational stages, is free from the custodial function, this can and should bring substantial changes in the processes and relationships of learning and teaching, as well as in its organizational and even material architecture.
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