La importancia de lo dialógico en la intervención social a partir del texto "Conversación, lenguaje y posibilidades" de Harlene Anderson
ISSN: 1134-0991
Argitalpen urtea: 2024
Zenbakia: 101
Orrialdeak: 87-94
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Trabajo social hoy
As I have studied Social Work and corroborate the professional practice as well; I have always thought that as soon as our discipline goes beyond the scope of management, it becomes a therapeutic activity. The same fact of the story, facing the approach to help, connotes the minimal reflection that, as such, will always influence new analysis, a journey towards new possibilities. Through Anderson’s text, I inquire at the same time that I relate it to social intervention, about the importance of language, and how it must be shaped and structured based on meanings, recognizing that in these meanings are the keys to our intervention. Collaborative Therapy and Social Work: the process. And how history processes and its repercussion, which not forget, is the conversation and what transcends from it.
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
- Anderson, H. (1997). Conversación, lenguaje y posibilidades. Un enfoque posmoderno de la terapia. Amorrortu Editorial.
- Berger, P. y Luckmann, T. (1966). La construcción social de la realidad. Amorrortu Editorial. Edición de 2015.
- Estalayo Martín, L. M. (2021). Del Burnout al sentido. Interven-ciones psicosociales saludables. Ópera Prima.
- Garro, J. J. (2007). Modelos y Métodos de Intervención en Trabajo Social. Alianza Editorial.
- Richmond, M. (1917), Diagnóstico Social. Siglo XXI. Viscarret