Descripción y análisis del uso de la realidad aumentada en los espacios informativos del grupo AtresmediaEl caso del programa "Al Rojo Vivo".

  1. David Parra Valcarce Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2023(e)ko abendua-(a)k 13

  1. Pablo Sapag Muñoz de la Peña Presidentea
  2. Paloma Abejón Mendoza Idazkaria
  3. Isabel García Casado Kidea
  4. Jorge Gallardo Camacho Kidea
  5. Francisco José Suárez Rodríguez Kidea

Mota: Tesia


Television is the queen of screens. With a century of history behind it, this invention, whose affiliation cannot be attributed to a single name, offers company to millions of people, opens a window to the world from which to contemplate the evolution of life, keeps the past alive, inform about the present and imagine the future. "They said it onTV" is a commonly used phrase and gives an idea of the strength of this means of communication as a shaper of a plausible reality. If they said it on TV, then it has to be true. Everyone has in mind some event seen on the small screen that has been etched in their memory forever. TV is part of our life and shapes our memories. Television has changed a lot from its origins to the present day. As for the continent, it has gone from being a tome of many kilos to a thin and light device with a remarkable image definition. Not to mention that it is already possible to watch television on another device, the mobile phone. And, regarding the content, it has mutated from blackand white in deferred to rigorously direct color. Television content evolves at the pace of technology, social uses and the wishes of the viewer. And, in this way of making television, for some time now, the use of 3-dimensional figures that do not even exist on the set from which they are broadcast stands out. This work is dedicated to these virtual elements, created with a technology called augmented reality...