Artificial intelligence as a supporting tool for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive
- Alberto Garrido Colmenero Director/a
- Lucia De Stefano Directora
Universidad de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Fecha de defensa: 06 de julio de 2023
- David Uribelarrea del Val Presidente
- Julio Garrote Revilla Secretario
- Javier Paredes Arquiola Vocal
- Marta González del Tánago Del Rio Vocal
- David Haro Monteagudo Vocal
Tipo: Tesis
In the European Union (EU), the Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires Member States to reach the good ecological status of all water bodies by 2027 at the latest. More than 20 years after the entering into force of WFD, achieving this objective remains a challenge, with only about 40% of surface waters in good or high ecological status. There are several issues that hamper achieving the WFD objective, two of which are the topic of this Doctoral Thesis: i) the design of effective mitigation measures, which is complicated by the lack of knowledge on the quantitative links between anthropogenic pressures and ecological status, and ii) the challenging implementation of planned measures in contexts where conflicting management objectives coexist. This Doctoral Thesis aims to explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to address these two issues...