La integración del espacio en el lenguaje pictórico contemporáneo.Planteamientos conceptuales y procesos técnicos.

Dirixida por:
  1. Manuel Huertas Torrejón Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 29 de xuño de 2023

  1. Mariano de Blas Ortega Presidente
  2. Margarita González Vázquez Secretaria
  3. Salvador Haro González Vogal
  4. Pilar Roig Picazo Vogal
  5. Carmen Andreu-Lara Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The integration of the external space to the image from the pictorial language in an updated and updateable way constitutes the central axis of the work and will be the object of study throughout the thesis. This objective will be approached from a double methodology, on one side, the theoretical conditions and characteristics that must be taken into account in its approach are analyzed and, on the other, the procedures and techniques that will allow this objective to be achieved. The production of an image that integrates the external space to itself must consider the permanent state of updating of the social landscape in which the work is inscribed and that surrounds it.As the pictorial image is static by definition and the social landscape is in a permanent state of updating, the application of the time image is proposed as a response to this problem, studying the fundamental elements that constitute the social landscape and how they can be seen integrated into the image, concluding in the need to take into account the definable backgrounds as the main element in the searched image. The elements that make up the chapters have been established following a methodological route that allows us to conclude in the creation of an emptied image that acts as a link between the social landscape and the viewer, proposing a work that grants the projection of new sequences of images based on the viewer's previous experience. Different mechanisms that respond to the logic of updating the contemporary social landscape are studied, concluding in three aspects that will compose the reception and construction of the image to allow the production of an updated and updateable meaning. We have called the result of this process I-T(f).