Las intelectuales españolas y Rubén Darío vistas a través de la correspondencia conservada en el Archivo Rubén Darío de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 2422-5932
Year of publication: 2024
Issue Title: Rubén Darío: el archivo, lo efímero y la vida
Volume: 11
Issue: 16
Pages: 122-164
Type: Article
More publications in: Chuy: revista de estudios literarios latinoamericanos
In this work we have attempted to carry out a study of the Spanish intellectual women who corresponded with Rubén Darío, either as senders or as addressees, and whose relationship has been analyzed based on the letters preserved in the Rubén Darío Archive of the Complutense University of Madrid. Through this epistolary reciprocity, we can observe the rich social and literary life in which these erudite women moved and the friendship and intellectual bond that they maintained with the highest representative of the modernist movement in the Spanish language. Of particular interest to these learned women was the desire to get to know the Nicaraguan poet up close, to share with him the literary circles in which they moved, as well as to see some of their writings published in the magazines "Mundial Magazine" and "Elegancias", of which Rubén Darío was the literary director.