Introducción a una semiótica de la distinción. Oposición, marcación y definición conceptual en la teoría de la cultura
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
ISSN: 1668-866X
Year of publication: 2023
Issue Title: De Signos y Sentidos; e0028
Issue: 24
Type: Article
More publications in: De Signos y Sentidos
This text proposes an approach to the mechanisms of production of conceptual meaning in language and, by extension, in the disciplines that participate in the theory of culture. Based on the fundamentals of Structural Linguistics, a semiotic introduction is established for the notion of distinction —understood as the correlation system between two disjunctively and exclusively opposed concepts, through which it is possible to produce meaning for unknown entities by opposing them to those which are known. It is argued here that, far from being a «universal of language», this semiotic binarism is bounded to a certain sociohistorical subject, as a result of the meta–reflexive exercise in which the individual unconscious is involved. It is through this process that the elements of alterity in culture are constructed and conceptualised by Modernity.
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