English Version of the CVSS17: data for cross-cultural adaptation
- González-Pérez, Mariano
- Susi García, Rosario
- Antona, Beatriz
- Barrio, Ana
This dataset contains three data files:Data from the 61 respondents who answered the CVSS17<sub>ENG</sub> version in the pre-test. Participants are identified by a unique ID; their sex, age, CVSS17<sub>ENG</sub> responses, and Visual Discomfort Scale (VDS) responses are shown in the worksheet columns.The Excel file (CVSS17<sub>ENG</sub> calibration response file) shows the responses of 441 participants to the CVSS17<sub>ENG</sub>. Responses to each item are labelled with the unique item identifier.test_retest_repeatability_data.xlsx contains the responses of a subset of the calibration phase participants, who completed the CVSS17<sub>ENG</sub> twice. The scores for both administrations are displayed in columns, along with the mean and the difference between both administrations' scores.