Estudios de composición corporal en la población de Lozoya Somosierra (Madrid). Comparación metodológica de la estimación del porcentaje de grasa

  1. R. Rivas 1
  2. M. D. Marrodán 1
  3. C. Prado 1
  4. I. Cáceres 1
  1. 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Madrid, España

    ROR 02p0gd045

Actas XIII Congreso SEAB. Biología de Poblaciones Humanas: Diversidad, tiempo, espacio
  1. José Enrique Egocheaga (ed. lit.)
  2. M. J. Sierra (comp.)

Editorial: Sociedad Española de Antropología Física, SEAF

ISBN: 84-609-1519-0

Ano de publicación: 2004

Páxinas: 441-450

Congreso: Congreso Español de Antropología Biológica (13. 2003. Oviedo)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The purpose of this study was to make a comparative analysis of percentage body fat (%FM) measurement by two indirect and simplicity types of techniques: anthropometricand bioimpedance. We have applied several published BIA and an anthropometric equations to a sample of 303 adult women belonging to a rural central-region of Spain. The reference method is the Siri %FM with Durnin & Womersley especific density from four skinfolds (Siri-age-sex). Methodological diferences and agreement degree among the methods were analyzed with Pearson and Spearman and intraclass correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman analysis with Siri-age-sex formula. Test results showed a significant linear with criterion method. BIA showed a hight agreement according to Bland-Altman analysis with the reference standard.