Publicaciones en las que colabora con Antonio Gómez Ortiz (49)


  1. Ancient and Present-Day Periglacial Environments in the Sierra Nevada

    The Landscape of the Sierra Nevada: A Unique Laboratory of Global Processes in Spain (Springer International Publishing), pp. 115-128

  2. The Impact of Glacial Development on the Landscape of the Sierra Nevada

    The Landscape of the Sierra Nevada: A Unique Laboratory of Global Processes in Spain (Springer International Publishing), pp. 83-93


  1. The glaciers of the Sierra Nevada

    Iberia, Land of Glaciers: How The Mountains Were Shaped By Glaciers (Elsevier), pp. 505-524

  2. The glaciers of the Southeastern Pyrenees

    Iberia, Land of Glaciers: How The Mountains Were Shaped By Glaciers (Elsevier), pp. 61-85


  1. Avance de nuevos datos sobre el glaciarismo de Sierra Nevada

    Geomorfología del antropoceno: efectos del cambio global sobre los procesos geomorfológicos

  2. Timing of deglaciation and rock glacier origin in the southeastern Pyrenees: a review and new data

    Boreas, Vol. 47, Núm. 4, pp. 1050-1071


  1. El origen de los glaciares rocosos fósiles en Sierra Nevada (España)

    Ambientes periglaciares: avances en su estudio, valoración patrimonial y riesgos asociados (Servicio de Publicaciones), pp. 113-120

  2. Evidence of glacial activity during the Oldest Dryas in the mountains of Spain

    Geological Society Special Publication (Geological Society of London), pp. 87-110

  3. Permafrost evolution in the Mediterranean basin since the Last Glaciation

    Ambientes periglaciares: avances en su estudio, valoración patrimonial y riesgos asociados (Servicio de Publicaciones), pp. 149-150


  1. Inexistence of permafrost at the top of the Veleta peak (Sierra Nevada, Spain)

    Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 550, pp. 484-494

  2. Spatial and temporal variability of periglaciation of the Iberian Peninsula

    Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 137, pp. 176-199

  3. Suelo helado estacional y permafrost en la altas cumbres de Sierra Nevada: síntesis de resultados

    Comprendiendo el relieve. Del pasado al futuro: actas de la XIV Reunión Nacional de Geomorfología. Málaga, 22-25 de Junio de 2016

  4. Timing and new geomorphologic evidence of the last deglaciation stages in Sierra Nevada (southern Spain)

    Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 150, pp. 110-129


  1. Maximum extent of Late Pleistocene glaciers and last deglaciation of La Cerdanya mountains, Southeastern Pyrenees

    Geomorphology, Vol. 231, pp. 116-129

  2. The deglaciation of Sierra Nevada (Spain), synthesis of the knowledge and new contributions

    Cuadernos de investigación geográfica: Geographical Research Letters, Vol. 41, Núm. 2, pp. 409-426