Publikationen, an denen er mitarbeitet JOANNE NEFF VAN AERTSELAER (4)
Mystification of Agency in Newspaper Discourse and Writer's Relative Degree of lmplication in Reported Events: Grammatical Strategies of Impersonalization
Fifty years of English Studies in Spain (1952-2002): a commemorative volume
Mystification of agency and primary responsibility in newspaper discourse in English and Spanish: A comparable corpus study
Studies in contrastive linguistics.: proceedings of the 2nd International Contrastive Linguistics Conference, Santiago de Compostela, October, 2001
Conceptual structuring & discourse topic: evidence from planned conversation
Panorama actual de la lingüística aplicada [Recurso electrónico]: conocimiento, procesamiento y uso del lenguaje (s.n.), pp. 299-310
Structuring and signalling topic management
Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States (Forum) (24th : 1997)