López Cantalapiedra
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Juan López Cantalapiedra (17)
The reorganization of predator-prey networks over 20 million years explains extinction patterns of mammalian carnivores
Ecology letters, Vol. 27, Núm. 6, pp. e14448
Macroevolution and climate changes: a global multi-family test supports the resource-use hypothesis in terrestrial mammals
Historical Biology, Vol. 34, Núm. 8, pp. 1471-1479
New palaeoecological approaches to interpret climatic fluctuations in Holocenic sites of the Pampean Region of Argentina
Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 255
Punctuated ecological equilibrium in mammal communities over evolutionary time scales
Science, Vol. 372, Núm. 6539, pp. 300-303
Correction: Body-size structure of central iberian mammal fauna reveals semidesertic conditions during the middle miocene global cooling event(PLoS ONE (2018)12: 10 (e0186762) DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0186762)
Differential responses of Miocene rodent metacommunities to global climatic changes were mediated by environmental context
Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, Núm. 1
Multi-scale interplays of biotic and abiotic drivers shape mammalian sub-continental diversity over millions of years
Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, Núm. 1
Neogene Mammal Sites in Molina de Aragón (Guadalajara, Spain): Correlation to Other Karstic Sites of the Iberian Chain, and their Geoheritage Values
Geoheritage, Vol. 10, Núm. 3, pp. 353-362
Body-size structure of Central Iberian mammal fauna reveals semidesertic conditions during the middle Miocene Global Cooling Event
PLoS ONE, Vol. 12, Núm. 10
Los yacimientos de Batallones en el contexto de la "Crisis Vallesiense"
La colina de los Tigres Dientes de Sable: los yacimientos miocenos del Cerro de los Batallones (Torrejón de Velasco, Comunidad de Madrid) (Comunidad de Madrid), pp. 43-68
Taphonomy of mammalian fossil bones from the debris-flow deposits of Somosaguas-North (Middle Miocene, Madrid Basin, Spain)
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 465, pp. 103-121
The fossil record of the Neogene Carnivore Mammals from Spain
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, Vol. 95, Núm. 3, pp. 373-386
Palaeoenvironmental analysis of the Aragonian (middle Miocene) mammalian faunas from the Madrid Basin based on body-size structure
Journal of Iberian Geology, Vol. 40, Núm. 1, pp. 129-140
Análisis paleoambiental de comunidades de mamíferos del Aragoniense de la cuenca de Madrid según estructura de tamaños corporales.
Paleodiversity and Paleoecology of Iberian Ecosystems : Book of abstracts = Libro de resúmenes
Cambios faunísticos y diversificación en la familia Rhinocerotidae
Paleodiversity and Paleoecology of Iberian Ecosystems
Paleoclimatología, macroecología y macroevolución de vertebrados
Paleodiversity and Paleoecology of Iberian Ecosystems
El sistema de yacimientos de mamíferos miocenos del Cerro de los Batallones, Cuenca de Madrid: estado actual y perspectivas
Palaeontologica Nova (Universidad de Zaragoza), pp. 41-117