
Doctor by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid with the thesis La construcción sociopolítica de los obispos en el noroeste de la península Ibérica (siglos VIII-X) 2019. Supervised by Dr. Iñaki Martín Viso, Dr. María Isabel Pérez de Tudela Velasco.

PhD in History and Archaeology by Complutense University of Madrid with a dissertation evaluated with highest grade ("sobresaliente cum laude") and with international mention throught a research stay in the Institute of Medieval Studies of New University of Lisbon (Portugal). My main research is about Early Medieval Hispanic Northwest politic and society, particularly about the formation and the expansion of Astur-Leonese power, the ideological and material legitimization of its leaders, the establishment of central authority and the role of local entities in their integration into domination structures. I have been employed as research support (PAI) in several research projects in Complutense University of Madrid and in University of Santiago de Compostela and I have participated in other projects in the Institute of Heritage Sciences (INCIPIT-CSIC), in University of Salamanca and in CEU-San Pablo University of Madrid. Additionally, I obtained a research grant award by the Centro de Estudios Bejaranos and I am currently researcher (PDI) in Complutense University of Madrid thanks to a "Margarita Salas" grant funded by "NextGenerationEU" program; it has developed two years in the Institute of Medieval Studies of New University of Lisbon (Portugal) and a third year in University of Salamanca. Outside the academic sphere, I was a grant holder in the Vice-Rectorate of Students of Complutense University of Madrid, I taught Medieval History of Spain in a course promoted by the Centro para la Divulgación del Conocimiento Universitario of Coslada (Madrid) and I made a digital course about the Jewish community of Béjar for the Red de Juderías de España-Caminos de Sefarad. I have also worked for archaeological companies Áncora and Tempos Arqueólogos. Furthermore, I have attended numerous training and specialization courses about team management and leadership, about computer tools, about GIS and about indexing databases. Finally but not least, I have also considered the field of dissemination to a non-specialized audience. In this regard, I have collaborated in various outreach activities organized by the Ateneo of Madrid and by Complutense University of Madrid, I have published an article in a high-dissemination journal, and a digital entry on research project "Sputnik Labrego" website. Lastly, I have participated in several radio interviews.